Oakland County Criminal Defense Attorney
Sex Offender Registry Removal
If you have been convicted of a sex crime, you will be registered on a list of sex offenders that may be viewed publicly. For some, being listed on the registry can last a lifetime. Whether you are listed permanently or not, it may be possible for you to get your name removed from the sex offender registry with the help of an Oakland County criminal defense attorney.
Removal from the registry can help you to regain your privacy and freedom. For many, finding a house while listed on the registry is extremely difficult. More opportunities will be available to you and you will no longer have to worry about others finding your name on the registry. If you have any questions regarding the registry and whether or not you qualify for removal, please do not hesitate to contact the firm at your earliest convenience. We have helped many to return to a normal life after being removed from the sex offender registry.
How to be Removed from the Sex Offender Registry
For certain types of sex offenses, there is a waiting period before qualifying for removal from the list. Special registration lengths are assigned to sex offenses that are considered more severe. Due to recent changes in Michigan laws that affect those convicted of a sex crime, many more have the chance to be removed from the list. Eligibility for removal is complex and having an attorney consultation regarding this matter may be the best course of action for you at this time.
With years of experience as a criminal trial attorneys and former prosecutors, we have been able to assist countless clients with all issues related to criminal charges. Take control of your future; speak with an attorney from the firm regarding your eligibility today.
Contact an Oakland County criminal defense lawyer today if you would like to find out about sex offender registry removal.
Successful Case Results
CHARGE: 2nd Offense OWI VERDICT: Not Guilty
CHARGE: Assault and Battery VERDICT: Not Guilty
CHARGE: Child Abuse VERDICT: Not Guilty
CHARGE: Child Abuse / Neglect VERDICT: Not Guilty
CHARGE: Embezzlement Over $20K VERDICT: Case Dismissed
CHARGE: Felony Domestic Violence VERDICT: Not Guilty
CHARGE: Habitual 4th Offender After a Heroin Relapse VERDICT: In-Patient Treatment & Probation
CHARGE: Operating While Intoxicated VERDICT: Case Dismissed
CHARGE: Operating While Intoxicated Verdict: Reduced Charge, No Jail / Probation
CHARGE: Operating While Intoxicated VERDICT: Case Dismissed