Medical Marijuana Defense

Medical Marijuana in Michigan

Michigan Marijuana Lawyer

Medical marijuana is a topic that has been the center of many debates, with some arguing that it should be legal for those with health concerns and others taking the stand that it should be illegal in all situations. Changes were made to the Michigan laws in 2008 that allowed for those dealing with certain illnesses to be able to use medical marijuana for the purpose of alleviating the side effects they were faced with. The Michigan Medical Marihuana Act received a substantial number of voters in favor of it at around 63 percent.

Even with the push to make changes, there are many individuals that are still restricted from using marijuana even for medical purposes. They may face criminal charges when looking to gain relief from chronic pain due to cancer and other illnesses. Recreational users can deal with criminal charges as well since marijuana has not been legalized like a few other states have already begun to do. Apart from cultivating or trafficking marijuana, even the simple possession of it is a serious crime and can lead to a number of ramifications that our Oakland County criminal defense attorney may be able to fight against.

Recently stricter regulations were enacted so that certification for the legal use of medical marijuana was not as easily distributed. A doctor will now need to conduct a face to face assessment and may need to check back in to determine if the use of medical marijuana is effective. While voters have shown their support of reducing the severity of regulations, law enforcement still continues to make this an area of interest. The penalties for being found with marijuana are severe and those convicted may be accountable for thousands in fines and up to a year in jail. Contact our office to learn more about the rights that you have and what we can do to protect them if you are charged for a drug crime.

Successful Case Results

  • CHARGE: 2nd Offense OWI VERDICT: Not Guilty
  • CHARGE: Assault and Battery VERDICT: Not Guilty
  • CHARGE: Child Abuse VERDICT: Not Guilty
  • CHARGE: Child Abuse / Neglect VERDICT: Not Guilty
  • CHARGE: Embezzlement Over $20K VERDICT: Case Dismissed
  • CHARGE: Felony Domestic Violence VERDICT: Not Guilty
  • CHARGE: Habitual 4th Offender After a Heroin Relapse VERDICT: In-Patient Treatment & Probation
  • CHARGE: Operating While Intoxicated VERDICT: Case Dismissed
  • CHARGE: Operating While Intoxicated Verdict: Reduced Charge, No Jail / Probation
  • CHARGE: Operating While Intoxicated VERDICT: Case Dismissed